Risk Assessment and Mitigation Strategies for Businesses in the Chemical Sector

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The Indian chemical sector is poised for significant growth, but navigating the landscape requires a keen eye for risk.

Recently, an article by Rubix Data Sciences Founder Kaushal Sampat was featured in Chemical Weekly, and it dives deep into the key risks faced by chemical companies and offers practical mitigation strategies. (Chemical Weekly Article)

Here are some key takeaways from the article:

  • Credit Risk: Assess counterparty risk regularly, diversify customer base, establish clear credit policies, consider credit insurance, and continuously monitor customer behaviour.
  • Market & Economic Risks: Hedge raw material purchases and product sales, manage inventory levels, and monitor foreign exchange volatility.
  • Compliance & Regulatory Risks: Prioritise environmental regulations, worker safety, and product quality. Ensure adherence to international trade agreements.
  • Geopolitical Risks: Stay updated on trade policies and geopolitical tensions.
  • Energy Risk: Transition to cleaner energy sources and reduce carbon footprint.
  • ESG Integration: Consider ESG factors in risk assessments and engage with stakeholders on sustainability practices.

By proactively managing these risks, chemical companies can ensure sustainable growth and profitability.

Let’s discuss how Rubix Data Sciences can help your chemical business navigate the future! Please reach out to us at info@rubixds.com or call us at +91-22-4974 4274.

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