Opportunity and risk come in pairs
In a global business environment that is extremely volatile, Rubix helps you to take prudent credit risks, build a robust supply chain and monitor compliance of your business partners in India and around the world. Rubix focuses on simplifying decision making for Credit, Risk, Supply Chain and Compliance professionals through its suite of reports, products and services, including its intuitive tech platform.


90% of the world’s data has been created in the past two years. The fastest growing data segment is unstructured, coming from myriad sources such as social media, blogs etc.
At Rubix, we believe that it is no longer enough to collect only structured data from financial statements and public databases that have been traditionally used to assess and manage risk; unstructured data needs to be gathered, linked and analyzed in order to provide insights on a firm’s credit, supply chain and compliance risk. This is even more critical in the case of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) including proprietorships and partnerships, where the finances of the individual and the firm are completely intertwined.
Rubix aggregates structured and unstructured data from over 100+ data sources. We seek information on over 1,000 individual data elements, each of which has a bearing on the risk of a firm. Our strength lies in reducing the complexity of the source data through the process of MasterData Management which allows us to clean, link and enrich the data on a continuous basis, giving us a single version of the truth.

90% of the world’s data has been created in the past two years. The fastest growing data segment is unstructured, coming from myriad sources such as social media, blogs etc.
At Rubix, we believe that it is no longer enough to collect only structured data from financial statements and public databases that have been traditionally used to assess and manage risk; unstructured data needs to be gathered, linked and analyzed in order to provide insights on a firm’s credit, supply chain and compliance risk. This is even more critical in the case of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) including proprietorship and partnerships, where the finances of the individual and the firm are completely intertwined.
Rubix aggregates structured and unstructured data from over 100+ data sources. We seek information on over 1,000 individual data elements, each of which has a bearing on the risk of a firm. Our strength lies in reducing the complexity of the source data through the process of Master Data Management which allows us to clean, link and enrich the data on a continuous basis, giving us a single version of the truth.

We recognize that in an environment of unprecedented business volatility, it is futile to base risk decisions on static data. For data to be meaningful, it must be continuously updated from multiple data sources and linked.
At Rubix, we have optimized and automated the data pooling and monitoring process to provide you with near real time data coverage of your customers, distributors and suppliers. Our systems ingest data from myriad data sources including electronic media and link it, so as to proactively provide you updates about the firms whose risk you are tracking. This helps you eliminate blind spots.
We recognize that in an environment of unprecedented business volatility, it is futile to base risk decisions on static data. For data to be meaningful, it must be continuously updated from multiple data sources and linked.
At Rubix, we have optimized and automated the data pooling and monitoring process to provide you with near real time data coverage of your customers, distributors and suppliers. Our systems ingest data from myriad data sources including electronic media and link it, so as to proactively provide you updates about the firms whose risk you are tracking. This helps you eliminate blind spots.

Rubix provides a robust analytical platform, which is tightly coupled with its unique data management capabilities and industry expertise, enabling users to leverage analytics, both on pre-defined and custom basis.
For users of our pre-defined analytics, we provide a set of analytical outputs in the form of scores, indices, models and estimations that help forewarn decision makers about the potential riskiness of a customer, distributor or supplier. Illustrative scores are credit risk score, business continuity risk score, compliance risk score, key-man risk score etc.
Rubix also provides custom analytics solutions where we conduct bespoke analysis for users by combining a pool of their internal company data with Rubix proprietary data. Illustrative offerings are customized financial projections, profit sensitivity analysis, risk based pricing, market sizing etc.

Rubix provides a robust analytical platform, which is tightly coupled with its unique data management capabilities and industry expertise, enabling users to leverage analytics, both on pre-defined and custom basis.
For users of our pre-defined analytics, we provide a set of analytical outputs in the form of scores, indices, models and estimations that help forewarn decision makers about the potential riskiness of a customer, distributor or supplier. Illustrative scores are credit risk score, business continuity risk score, compliance risk score, key-man risk score etc.
Rubix also provides custom analytics solutions where we conduct bespoke analysis for users by combining a pool of their internal company data with Rubix proprietary data. Illustrative offerings are customized financial projections, profit sensitivity analysis, risk based pricing, market sizing etc.

The Rubix platform and reports are designed to communicate risk insights to users visually and intuitively. We believe that each visual speaks more than a thousand words and hence do not hide our insights in dense verbiage or arcane financial reporting. Rubix provides interactive dashboards, graphical data depiction and reporting frames that allow you to get to the heart of the issue quickly.
The easy-to-use platform also provides portfolio views that help you identify the relative risk of your customers, distributors and suppliers by geographic region or division. This facilitates quicker decision making and risk mitigation.
The Rubix platform and reports are designed to communicate risk insights to users visually and intuitively. We believe that each visual speaks more than a thousand words and hence do not hide our insights in dense verbiage or arcane financial reporting. Rubix provides interactive dashboards, graphical data depiction and reporting frames that allow you to get to the heart of the issue quickly.
The easy-to-use platform also provides portfolio views that help you identify the relative risk of your customers, distributors and suppliers by geographic region or division. This facilitates quicker decision making and risk mitigation.