
1. Master Data Management

Data management is one of the most complex and expensive challenges faced by companies today. Most businesses today have multiple systems (CRM, ERP etc), applications and departments where data is stored, more often than not, in silos. There has been an exponential increase in the volume, velocity and sources of data – 95% of the world’s data has been produced in the past 2 years! If steps are not taken to manage a company’s data proactively, it gets duplicated, fragmented and decays and no longer provides a single version of the truth on which to base critical business decisions.

As data is increasingly recognized as a critical asset in today’s business environment, it is imperative for companies to ensure the quality and consistency of their data and to make it available to users in a timely manner. Rubix works with you to help create, organize and manage comprehensive data assets across the company so as to provide you with a single consolidated view of your data. This in turn facilitates meaningful analytics which gives you valuable insights on which to base your decisions.

Rubix adopts a 4 stage approach for Master Data Management:

1. Database Architecture and Structure: this phase focuses on database design and structuring the future inflow and outflow of data (and its cadence) in an organized manner

2. Database Rationalization: the second phase involves the integration, deduplication, normalization and cleansing of the data

3. Data Enrichment & Quality: Rubix identifies missing data elements and then enriches your database from the Rubix Database and third party data sources.

4. Data Segmentation and Grading: the final phase helps create unique, queriable segments of information basis predefined parameters such asfirmographics, demographics etc.

After this one time exercise, Rubix supports ongoing Master Data Management for companies through its team of data experts.

To learn more about how Rubix can help manage your data effectively. To Know More Contact

2. Rubix Credit Analytics Solutions:

Rubix offers a suite of credit analytics which help you effectively and efficiently manage your credit risk at the customer and portfolio level.

Rubix Credit Analytics services include:

1. Custom scorecard development services:
Rubix develops customer specific credit scorecardsfor you, combining your data with the extensive credit data available onthe Rubix database. These custom scorecards are built basis Rubix’s significantresearch and experience in different industries and domains. These custom scorecardsproduce various Risk Scores that enable you to assess the risk of your customers, dealers, distributors and franchisees in a completely objective manner.

2. Credit Limit Setting:
The desire to achieve sales growth has to be tempered with effective credit management. This is often the cause of friction between a Company’s Sales and Finance teams. In order to make this process objective and fact-based, Rubix offers Credit Limit Setting as a service. Rubix sets actionable credit limits for your customers, distributors and dealers by calibrating their risk scores with your credit policies and risk appetite.For arriving at the credit limits, we leverage the Rubix database and your transactional history and also take into account externalfactors such as seasonaldemand spikes etc.

3. Customer/ dealer/ distributor benchmarking:
Rubix helps you develop credit and financial performance benchmarks that help you to objectively assess the performance of your customers, dealers and distributors. This helps in optimizing credit allocation and better management of your distribution network.

4. SME Financial Estimation:
Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are a critical part of India’s economy. They are also very important in the distribution and supply chains of most corporates. For Banks, NBFCs and Fintech Companies, SMEs are significant borrowers. However, the SME segment is one of the most opaque in terms of credit and financial information, resulting in poor credit and lending decisions. Since a vast majority of SMEs are not incorporated and function as proprietorships and partnerships, it is extremely difficult to obtain credible and authentic financial statements from them.

Rubix has developed proprietary algorithms to estimate income, cost, profitability and other financial metrics for SMEs. Rubix’s SME Financial estimation is based on its extensive proprietary database, deep domain expertise, on-field research & network and analytical modeling.

To understand how Rubix Analytics can help your business take better credit decisions, To Know More please contact: