Rubix Business Check – Past payment behavior as a measure for future credit risk.

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Rubix Business Check - Past payment behavior as a measure for future credit risk.

When your friend wants to borrow your PlayStation, it’s a real head-scratcher—you want to be the nice pal, but there’s always that nagging thought: “Will it ever return in one piece?” It’s like walking a tightrope between friendship and console custody.

Now, while we can’t help with your gaming dilemmas, we can offer data-driven decision-making for your company! Our Rubix Business Check reports provide insightful data, so you don’t have to feel like you’re lending out your PlayStation. We analyse financial statements, verify counterparty identity and check past payment behaviour, including timeliness, consistency, late payments, and more, to help you safeguard your business reputation and bottom line. It’s trust, without the anxiety!

In B2B transactions, assessing credit risk using risk management platforms is like saying, “I trust you, but let’s double-check with this data.” We assess credit risk by examining a company’s financial statements, verifying its identity and checking its payment history, looking at factors like timeliness, consistency, adherence to terms, and disputes. This helps gauge the creditworthiness of a counterparty, indicating their ability to honour their payment commitments.

A strong payment history is a green light, while a history of late payments or disputes raises red flags. Our Rubix Business Check Report simplifies this, providing a clear risk score in plain language with no jargon and easy-to-understand graphics, so you can make informed decisions quickly. With the Rubix Business Check, you’ll have the tools you need to make informed decisions and grow your business safely.

If only we had such a tool to predict which friend would return the borrowed PlayStation without repeated reminders, it wouldn’t be so difficult to make the decision to loan it!

You too can unlock the power of Rubix Business Check Reports to assess and monitor the risk of your counterparties. Contact us today at or 022-49744274.

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