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Company Identification Number (CIN) Vs Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)

Corporate Identification Number (CIN) is an alpha-numeric code issued to a company incorporated in India when it is registered with the the Registrar of Companies (ROC), Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA). ROC offices are located in different states across the country. The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) is a global reference number that uniquely identifies every … Continue reading Company Identification Number (CIN) Vs Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)

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Spotlight on India: A Rise in LEI Mandates Offers MSMEs a Springboard for Growth

Growing regulatory enforcement of the LEI across India promotes an identifier that can open doors to global trade and finance opportunities for the region’s MSMEs Author: Xue Tan, Head of Business Development for Asia region at the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) The Legal Entity Identifier’s (LEI) star is rising in India. A wave … Continue reading Spotlight on India: A Rise in LEI Mandates Offers MSMEs a Springboard for Growth